Dr. Christie M. Hogue|


“It’s important to understand these syndromes in an effort to most effectively treat our older patients to improve oral health tailored to the individual patient and their syndrome.  – Dr. Christie Hogue


Hello! Welcome to the Aging Pearls Podcast, where we’re dedicated to providing dental pearls for all those concerned with the oral care needs of our aging population. I am Dr. Christie Hogue and in this episode, we discuss the idea of geriatric syndrome and its potential impact on oral health. Geriatric syndrome is a term used to describe a variety of conditions that are more common in older adults. Poor oral health can be due to a combination of factors, including age-related physiological changes, polypharmacy, frailty, and poor access to dental care. We also talk about the five M’s of geriatric syndrome as well as focus areas for managing these conditions in relation to dental care.


[00:01 – 04:11] Poor Oral Health as A Potential Geriatric Syndrome

  • The need for specialized treatment and strategies in caring for older adults
  • Understanding the difference between chronological age and functional age
  • Geriatric Syndrome and age-related changes in oral health


[04:12 – 08:22] The Geriatric 5Ms in the Oral Health Perspective

  • Mind – The capacity to give consent and follow instructions for dental care
  • Mobility – Access to dental care and ability to do dental care activities
  • Medicine – Considering the side effects of prescriptions
  • Multicomplexity – Managing a variety of health conditions and assessing living conditions
  • Matters Most – Coordinating advanced care planning and managing goals of general and dental care


[08:23 – 15:08] Final Thoughts

  •  Interprofessional collaborative care is important
  • Connect with Dr. Christie Hogue – leave a review and comment (links below)


Key Quotes:

“It is important to remember that oral health status further jeopardized by frailty, disability care dependency, and loss of abs or activities of daily living and limited access to dental professional care.” – Dr. Christie Hogue

“Interprofessional collaborative care is imperative in treating geriatric patients.” – Dr. Christie Hogue

“Let us challenge ourselves to gain a better understanding of oral and systemic health, social determinants of health interventions to improve quality of life in our geriatric patient population.” – Dr. Christie Hogue


Resources Mentioned:


Connect with Me!

You can connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and visit my website https://www.mouthmirrorsllc.com/  to learn more.

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